21 November 2005


Not that I'd ever race in or go see it but the SFGP is cancelled. Ya know if it ain't foosball or some other dumbass sport that can be contained in a stadium Americans don't care. Maybe if body checking and punching was allowed in cycling more would watch. Roller derby style mofo. I have been very very very un-patriotic of late but feel that it's justified. I'm embarrassed to admit being an American. Lucky for me I grew up close enough to Canada that I can convince euro trash types that I'm a canuck!! You know I'm not asking for much. I don't feel like the Government owes me a house and new car because I lived in New Orleans and am black and poor. I don't run around with 23's pretending to be the next 50 cent. I'm not doin' time on the streets waiting for my album to drop. I'm not bitching about gas prices being so high because 'damn it this is America and I have a right to drive what I want fuck the consequences'. I just wish more was being done to take cycling serious. I do donate to cycling advocate groups so I am trying. I also commute to try and save fuel and make the general public aware that cyclist have rights on the road. Unfortunately the whiz of my chain is drowned out by the screetching of 4 banger CVCC's with 'fart mufflers'. (yes I did spell CVCC correct I'm Ole' school). So where's my bicycle lane and awareness commercials George?? You bastard.


Anonymous said...

Wah! Move to France you Commie!!!

LV2BYK said...

Feeling a bit sensitive Chad? SFGP was cancelled because Sponsors would be very hard to keep due to the negative publicity. Also, the Tour de Amgen hits the coast, so since the race promoters are pushing the race close to the San Fran area, there will be a non-negative impact. The real problem is that the people of San Fran need to put pressure on the elected city officials and the policies need to change to fix the unknown mystery cost issues...Philly on the other hand was robbed of the US Pro after 20+ years of loyal service. That is a shame & indication that USA Cycling is a as big of a problem as the cities & public!

SkowVegas said...

Hey anonymous........FUCK OF.

Anonymous said...

That would be Fuck Off, not of you stupid Commie Moron!

Another reason to move to France!

SkowVegas said...

Sorry I forgot a f. France sucks, I'd much prefer to move back to Italy.

P.S. Fuck off.
You just keep doing what the 'Man' wants and you'll be fine.