27 October 2005

Tour bids Armstrong a frosty adieu

I don't know what the big deal is. He has no way of proving himself clean. Lance Armstrong has had so many people question his performance and it's alleged predication on doping that anything less by the TDF organizers and ASO would have been a let down.

He did, he didn't, who really gives a shit anymore. ASO does, that's who. They own a newspaper for christ's sake and by not mentioning LA, they get people on both side amped up and commenting. (Which makes for stories on the from page, which sells papers!)

Too bad that the media attention nowadays was not available when Lemond rode. His story is truly inspirational. Not only did he do it dope free, but he did it with buckshot in his lungs!. If he wasn't shot he would have won six or seven times.

I am not saying Armstrong doped, but the fact that anyone who has an opinion of him that he does not agree with, or if anyone answers a question about him that he does not like, he ostracizes him (Ask Landis). If he had nothing to hide, he would treat those around him like friends instead of like Stalin treated the Bolsheviks!

What Armstrong did/does for Cancer is truly admirable, and if the end justifies the means, then good for him, but he deserves the bad press he gets within the sport because he is arrogant and ignorant. Thank god the sport will be fresh this year. Now only if OLN or anyone else would provide us some coverage!

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