27 October 2005

Bush promises quick recovery for Floridians

Well now, you think Dubbya would learn about predicting things!...Considering his decision making track record and his best efforts at being a gypsy fortune teller, Floridians need to be wary of the premonitions of the Coward-in-Chief! He claimed Victory in Iraq 2000 dead bodies ago, and we are still in a quagmire with insurgency rising to greater heights & more Americans dying because he says we need to make that sacrifice. I would like to see the Twins volunteer to go on a USO tour in Baghdad!

As the head Pachyderm visited Miamians, he was berated for the responsiveness of the Fed Agencies. Instead of fessing up to the lameness of his Homeland Security realignment and the FEMA funds being funneled to support his & Tricky Dick's War Games, he lied and said things would be alright in no time...Then he went to AF1 & had a cold bottle of Perrier while the lines for water & ice got bigger. That a'boy DUBBYA! Republicans got to be shitting their pants trying to figure out how to hold onto power after you leave office!

At least Dubbya was smart enough (or an advisor was) to "reluctantly" accept Harriet Miers withdrawal letter. He promises a quick replacement cementing in my mind that he has not learned his lesson regarding quick decisions...Maybe Sandy Day-O'Connor will reconsider retiring!

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