05 December 2005

Jesus Freaks try to Claim the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe

I am now not only disillusioned by the religious Right (Wrong) , but now by Disney in their never ending effort to become media whores for an extra nickel, are peddling one of my favorite childhood stories as an allegorical link to Christianity and Jesus.

C.S. Lewis I think would be rolling over in his grave. As an atheist most of his life and an apologetic Christian at the end, never intended his Narnia series to be a point of reference for the Jesus Freaks.

Why can't a story of Fantasy for kids be just that without the big business or the Right Wing Armageddon freaks ruining it for all of us!


Guadalupe Jesus said...

Are you offended because of the message christians are attaching to the movie? I am laughing my ass off.


LV2BYK said...

I am offended that they have to turn everything into a Pro or anti Semitic, or a pro - anti christian thing...

The wackos did the same thing to Harry Potter & Lord of the Rings (Tolkien was a devout Catholic by the way)

Why cant it be an imaginary tale & be done with it...

DIsney has raised my ire because they are the ultimate evil here by playing all sides to make a buck! Just market the fucking thing as fantasy & be done with it!