30 April 2008

need tools

I finally got my new sweet blue Industry Nine hubs laced to some mavic 823's and I want to put them on. What tools do I need to get the job done? I need to transfer the cassette over and the brake rotor..brake rotor, I can handle. But would like some tips on the cassette transfer, tools, things to keep in mind when doing it, anything you got would be VERY helpful..yes, I'm looking at you, NATE. Gracias.


Finskie said...

ok, I got the tools, changed everything over on the rear..when I got to the front..I realized I had ordered 20mm hub instead of quick release..called the place I got them and they're sending out the quick release kit. Damn, and I thought I was set to roll. oh well, next weekend.

LV2BYK said...

Glad to see you are up and running AJ! Things here are good - been riding the road bike alot! geting a few mountain rides in, but focusing on longer rides with more miles lately!

Had a great time on the trip and need to do it again soon! I would like to do it in WV next time and get some east coast tight single track with shade all around! Camping maybe!
What you think?

Finskie said...

Hells yeah!! I'm off work until July, and am looking to put an RV roadtrip together. So maybe we can do something in June? Holler.